Workers Compensation Board of Prince Edward Island

News & Events

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Announcements & Events

Hurricane Season: Prepare, Plan and Protect - September 16, 2024

It’s Atlantic hurricane season and the best response to unpredictable weather events is proper emergency planning.

Download this resource to have on hand to protect your workers and your workplace. 

Make a RTW Plan - September 13, 2024

Staying active, productive, and connected to the workplace can help injured workers recover faster.


Many times, the most successful Return to Work (RTW) Plans involve workers losing as little time away from work as possible.


What’s more, these plans are a shared responsibility.


 Learn more about how to make a RTW plan. 

Workplace Safety Education Session - September 11, 2024

Our Workplace Safety Education continues next week!


Coming up:

September 17 ? Health & Safety Committee Basics & Workplace Inspections (in-person)

September 19 ? Workplace Harassment & Violence (virtual)

 Space is limited! Register now. 

News Releases

Media Contact:
WCB Communications
902-894-0362 or

To subscribe to the WCB News & Policy Subscription Service, please click here.